Thomas Russell Gentry — W5RG
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The content of this website has been assembled into book form. It includes Tom’s Biography, a selection of the QSL cards, a complete listing of the QSL cards in his collection, the complete set of Army Air Corps photos, the airmail letters, and the source code that was used to help construct this website and the book. It can be viewed and purchased here.

This website is in memory of my grandfather, Thomas "Tom" Russell Gentry. He was one of the first Amateur Radio Operators, getting his license in the early 1920s, and actively broadcasting around the world until his death in 1979.

This site includes his collection of QSL cards from all of his contacts from around the world (a collection that exceeds 5,700 cards), along with a collection of pictures his fellow "hams" sent him of their "rigs", and the pictures he collected while with the Army Air Corps.

If you would like to use these images for any purpose, please contact me at

Select an option in the menu above to display content. When viewing the individual QSL cards, click on a thumbnail to view a full-size version of the card.

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